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Quality Management System (QMS) atau Sistem Mangelola Kualitas adalah sistem yang memuat garis besar kebijakan dan prosedur yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan dan mengontrol berbagai proses yang terjadi pada suatu organisasi sehingga meningkatkan kinerjanya yang pada akhirnya mampu meningkatan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap organisasi tersebut.

Standar ISO 9001:2015 adalah standar sistem manajemen yang memuat seperangkat persyaratan-persyaratan tertulis, dimana persyaratan tersebut mendefinisikan praktik- praktik yang diakui dan diterima secara universal untuk memastikan organisasi memahami dan memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan secara konsisten.

ISO 9001:2015 is a standard applicable to various types of organizations, including educational institutions, hospitals, and other service-oriented businesses. The ISO 9001:2015 certification assesses whether an institution meets the standard requirements in managing the quality of services provided to customers.

Why is ISO important in education?
ISO 21001 helps educational organisations to ensure that learners receive the desired quality of education, while improving the learner’s productivity, safety and wellbeing.
What is ISO 21001:2018 standard?
ISO 21001 is a quality management system that aims to standardise education management to ensure it meets learners’ needs. It’s intended to help schools, colleges, training providers and other educational organisations implement best practice. It is based on the widely followed ISO 9001 quality management systems.
What is the difference between ISO 9001 and ISO 21001?
ISO 9001 is a standard for Quality Management Systems (QMS) and applies to all industries, while ISO 21001 is a standard for Educational Organizations Management Systems (EOMS) and applies specifically to educational organizations.